  • How do I apply to a UK university?

    You can apply to a UK university through the UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) website. UCAS is the central application portal for undergraduate courses. For postgraduate programs, you typically apply directly to the university.

  • What are the entry requirements for UK universities?

    Entry requirements vary depending on the university, course, and level of study. Generally, undergraduate courses require completion of secondary education or an equivalent qualification. Postgraduate programs may require a relevant undergraduate degree or professional experience.

  • Are there scholarships available for international students?

    Yes, many UK universities offer scholarships, grants, and bursaries to international students. These can be merit-based, need-based, or specific to certain courses or regions. You can check the university's website for scholarship opportunities.

  • How long does a typical undergraduate degree program last?

    Most undergraduate degree programs in the UK are three years long, while some professional degrees like Medicine or Architecture may take longer. In Scotland, undergraduate degrees usually last four years.

  • Can I work while studying in the UK?

    Yes, as an international student, you can work part-time during term-time (usually up to 20 hours per week) and full-time during holidays. However, it's important to check the specific visa regulations and any restrictions imposed by your university.

  • How much does studying in the UK cost?

    Tuition fees vary depending on the university, course, and level of study. For international students, undergraduate fees range from around £ 10,000 to £26,000 per year for lecture-based degrees. Postgraduate degrees typically range from £ 15,000 to £30,000.Most post graduate degrees can be obtained in 1 year.

  • Are English language proficiency tests required?

    Yes, if English is not your first language, you will likely need to demonstrate proficiency in English through tests such as IELTS. The required scores vary depending on the course and university.

  • What is the Graduate Route?

    The UK’s Graduate Route welcomes international students to apply to stay in the UK and work, or look for work, upon graduation. International students who have successfully completed an undergraduate or master’s degree can apply to stay in the UK for up to two years after their studies. PhD graduates can apply to stay for up to three years. This is a fantastic opportunity for international students who want to take their next steps into employment in the UK.

  • How does the healthcare system work for international students in the UK?

    International students usually have access to healthcare through the NHS by paying the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) as part of their visa application. The NHS covers a wide range of healthcare services, including general practitioner (GP) visits, hospital treatment, emergency care. Health insurance for international students studying in the UK costs £470 per year.

  • Why Choose Worldwey Education?

    We are British Council Certified Counsellors. We are dedicated to providing exceptional service and personalized support to students aspiring to study in the UK. Our mission is to empower students to make informed choices and achieve their educational dreams. Contact us today to explore how we can assist you on your path to success.